It’s been a couple of days, but g00d-busy days

It’s been a few days since I’ve talked about anything, but there’s a really good reason. Between being made Station Manager @ MTFB Radio, doing my radio show The Madhouse, DJ’n elsewhere, my voice overs, keeping my schedule for producing the audio book contracts that I have and auditioning for new ones, auditioning for other work; it’s been busy. A good busy though. The kind that makes you smile at the end of the day knowing you got a lot accomplished.

Picked up a new “agent” in the UK: Voice Stable as well as getting steady regional radio spots from my new friend Jeff over at Moore Quality Products I’m rather enjoying where things are going.

Picked up a couple new book contracts, short ones that are already done and at #acx for QA approval.

On top of it all have still been able to spend some quality time with Marie away from it all and just enjoy being together. Tuesday nights are still movie nights and we are sticking to that no matter what our weird, convoluted schedules throw at us.

I will be putting up my own voice over website in the next couple of days. We have one for WhisperWolf Creations but the more I think of it the more I need to have one for myself. Twitter, FB, a blog all up and going. Commercial demo on youtube My Commercial Demo but need to keep the marketing machine going.

A podcast is in the planning stages. I have several show ideas already sorta planned out and working on pre-production. Once Marie and I get Get Outta My Head up and going: airing on Friday nights @ MTFB Radio on Friday nites at 5pm PDT (debut show this Friday the 22nd) I’ll concentrate on it more.

I think that about catches everything up. As always if I you have voice over needs please contact me and we can discuss them. Always open to new projects.

Til I see you, or you hear me, be good to each other….

It’s about time I started one of these

This has been in the back of my mind for some time now and I just decided what the hell get off your ass and start a blog. I mean it’s not like I don’t have the time. With DJ’n at Ohana 3 days a week sometimes more, DJ’n at MTFB Radio 5 days a week (sometimes more) the new voice over business; auditioning, working on projects, attending webinars, watching training videos; and then having a real life relationship with Marie I’ve got an extra 15 secs a day once in awhile so I said what the heck.

So what’s new in the world of Janos? Well for those that haven’t heard, I did start a voice over business and it’s starting to take off. I’m hooked up with ACX which is the production company for Audible/Amazon/I-Tunes for the audio book market. Less than a week after getting involved with them I have completed 2 audio books and have 3 others that I’m working on. Now this doesn’t count the other places that I get work from/audition for work from  so you can guess this keeps me pretty busy.

I’m also waiting to hear back from an agent in the UK as to whether they will represent me or not. They have clients all over the world and saw my profile on one of the sites I’m on and contacted me. That would be really excited to be associated with them as it would lead to even more work. And I love to work, I really do. And this is something that I have a passion for and really enjoy doing. I want to make this my “career” so I’m putting everything I have into it. I’m going to create a blog just for my voice over work and I will link it in a future post here as soon as I get around to it.

Enough about that. I had the pleasure on July 3rd to DJ for a Relay For Life event that raised a ton of money to help fight cancer. Was a truly humbling experience that I was proud to be a part of. I’ve done RFL events a lot over the years and will continue to do them as often as I can. Just a way for me to do my small part to help.

I’m planning on starting a Podcast as well. More details to come about that when I think of a name that isn’t gonna get me in trouble with anyone. It’s gonna be combo podcast of my RL voice over work and DJ’n so I have to be creative in how I produce it. Soon as I get a couple of episodes up I’ll link them for everyone.

I mentioned Marie early on. I just want to say that everything is going great. We are truly, deeply in love with each other and things are moving along steadily. The move to RL is happening slowly, we are talking about it, starting the planning for that 1st meeting. To say this makes both of us smile would be a complete understatement.

I honestly have no idea how often I’ll update this but I will try at least every couple of days if not every day even if it’s only to say hi and give a quick recap.

You can reach me at:

on FB at:

on at :

or on Skype: janoswinter1

Be talking to you all soon 🙂